
About Kagosaka Golf Club HDCP

We would like to thank all of our members who have obtained HDCPs and who participate in various competitions for your continued patronage and participation.

The rules were changed in March of this year regarding HDCP revisions in competition management and HDCP assessment. However, as the work of the Club’s staff, there were incomplete data entry and omissions in data entry up to last year.

We apologize for the inconvenience caused by the fact that some of our members are currently not using the correct HDCP, and this has affected the results of some of our events.

We will make improvements as soon as possible, and with the cooperation of the Competition and Handicap Committee, we will strive to motivate our members to obtain and improve their HDCP and participate in competitions, so that they can enjoy a more fulfilling club life.


Revision of the June Regular HDCP.

Work has been delayed due to changes in the HDCP revision rules since March of this year.

We apologize for the inconvenience and ask for your understanding as we will determine the HDCP for the subject by 7/20.

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